
Joyce Lindorff Performance

“A Baroque Keyboard Tour”

Temple University, Philadelphia

Temple University Professor Joyce Lindorff will demonstrate music by Bach, Mozart, Couperin and Byrd on the beautiful historical keyboard instruments in the collection of the Boyer College of Music and Dance: harpsichords, fortepiano, clavichord and positive organ.

Joyce Lindorff has performed throughout the US, Europe, Russia, Japan and China, receiving solo recitalist awards from the Pro Musicis Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. She has performed with the early music ensembles Hesperus, Tempesta di Mare, Newberry Consort, Charbonnier Viol Ensemble, and the Waverly Consort. Based in New York for many years, she performed as keyboardist with the New York Philharmonic, Orchestra of St. Luke’s, and New York Chamber Symphony, and was a Teaching-Artist for the Lincoln Center Institute for the Arts in Education. Lindorff began her teaching career as a Mellon Postdoctoral Teaching and Research Fellow at Cornell University, later holding Fulbright Professorships in Taiwan and China, where she has been an honorary professor at the Shanghai Conservatory since 1992. Her resulting research on European music in 17th and 18th-century China has been widely published, appearing in US, European and Chinese journals.

Lindorff has recorded both early and contemporary harpsichord music for the Titanic, Centaur, CRI, Serenus, Digitech, and Paladino labels. Her most recent CD, “Music from the Harpsichord Miscellany,” was recorded on the 1758 Jacob Kirckman harpsichord at Colonial Williamsburg. It was released over the summer of 2013 on the Boyer College’s label, BCM&D Records, which also released her forthcoming recording of F. Couperin’s L’Art de toucher le clavecin and the 6th and 8th ordres. Lindorff is currently completing a modern edition of The Harpsichord Miscellany, Book Two.

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